Monday, February 12, 2007

Popcorn Needed in DC Federal Court

The following is a note from my friend Jaye at - an online radio station you should listen to daily Enjoy!

If I was a juror (in the Libby case), I would asking myself a ton of questions.

Is Fitzy looking for Wells to make his case so Wells blows the lid on Rove & Cheney, on cross? And when Rove takes the stand how can Rove defend his involvement, unless he lies? He can't. Wells will bury him to protect Libby.

I'm thinking that's what Fitz is hoping for. He can sit back and watch the circus of lying back stabbers finally perjure themselves.

Wells, in opening, already stated that Libby was made the scapegoat to protect Rove. Then he dropped the Cheney bomb.

It'll be interesting to see how Rove/Barlett(and possibly Cheney/Fielding) dance around both Fitz and Wells. Especially when Wells sole purpose for living is to put the blame sq on Rove, and or, Cheney.

I dunno - In pictures, Libby sure looks confident - and well he should be if the leak was Rove or Cheney this whole time. If it is -- someone lied to Fitz and the grand jury the first go round ... then watch the subpoena's fly! Finally getting to the crime of outing a known uncover operative.

I'm thinking this is what Fitzy had in mind all along, and why he recalled Rove 4-5 times. He just needed someone to eventually screw up. And that was Libby. With that he can force Rove or Cheney to perjure themselves now as Libby tries to defend himself. Someone is/was bold face lying. And I'm getting it wasn't just Libby and Fitzy knew that all along.

Get the popcorn!!

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