Saturday, October 13, 2007

United Nations Wants Blackwater to Face War Crimes

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United Nations wants probes to determine whether private security contractors in Iraq have committed war crimes and for governments to ensure that the rule of law is applied, U.N. officials said on Thursday.
This is a great start on the part of the United Nations and every progressive in the country should support this effort.

However not until Bush, Cheney, Fang Rice, Colin Powell, Don Rumsfeld, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and the rest of them are hauled before the World Court in The Hague will there be any real justice in the Iraqnam debacle. Prosecuting Blackwater is synonomous with putting Lyndee England in jail for the abuses at Abu Ghraib when Rumsfeld and those who authorized her torture are running free.

Their time will come however.

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