Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Today's Installment of Slime from the US Department of Justice

Just when you think you've reached the end of the line of obfuscation and obstruction from Gitmo Al Gonzales' Department of Justice another roach scurries out from under another rock.

Today its a story from Roanoke that begins like this:

The night before the government secured a guilty plea from the manufacturer of the addictive painkiller OxyContin, a senior Justice Department official called the U.S. attorney handling the case and, at the behest of an executive for the drugmaker, urged him to slow down, the prosecutor told the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday.

John L. Brownlee, the U.S. attorney in Roanoke, testified that he was at home the evening of Oct. 24 when he received the call on his cellphone from Michael J. Elston, then chief of staff to the deputy attorney general and one of the Justice aides involved in the removal of nine U.S. attorneys last year.

Brownlee settled the case anyway. Eight days later, his name appeared on a list compiled by Elston of prosecutors that officials had suggested be fired.

It becomes very old repeating Bush's 2000 campaign line about how if elected he would "restore honor and dignity to the White House." However its worth repeating over and over again.

There is nothing honorable or dignified about Bush, his Administration, or about any of the political appointees who carry out his jihad against the Constitution and the rule of law.

Imagine the screaming and hollering that would have occurred from the Reichwing media had the lies and deceptions that have been uncovered in the Department of Justice been uncovered during the Clinton Administration. Where are those righteously indignant defenders of the Constitution like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Michael Savage now? Why aren't they calling for Bush's head like they wanted Clinton's?

We have only 538 more days to go until this very dark period in America's history is over. Lets cross our fingers that there is a Constitution and a democracy still in place in 539 days.

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