Sunday, December 31, 2006

Another Bush Milestone

Dear Dumbya

Did you get the news yet?? You have now officially killed 2,999 American kids in your relentless search for a "noble cause" in Iraqnam!!

You should be massively proud of yourself, you malingering asshole. Singlhehandedly you have been responsible for the deaths of more Americans than those who died on 9/11 - the incident that caused you to start your own little jihad against "turists".

In six long years in office you have not done one thing for anyone other than the rich and famous - as you called them in the "Farenheit 911" your "baste". You are a real hero Dumbya. The kind of person people want to grow up and not be like.

Do you know if Tony Snow has developed a speech for the occasion of the 3,000th American kid to die for your "noble cause" yet? Will he say, just like he did for the 2,500th kid, that "its just a number?"

We the people have 2 years and 20 days of your maniacal "leadership" left to endure. For the sake of the Constitution I hope we all dont vomit violently realizing we have to so long to go until an adult can be in charge. For the sake of the Nation, however, I am hoping that everyone is looking forward to January 21, 2009, when you and Deadeye and Fang and Rummy begin your war crimes trial in The Hague.

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