Sunday, December 24, 2006

Another Pro-Life Repugnican Favors Offing Someone

Check out this story about the wingnut whacko congresswoman from Miami who wants to off Castro

Whats really ironic in the video of her below is her comment about assinating any "leader who oppresses the public"

I wonder. Does this mean the pro-life congresswoman from Florida is including the Shrub in this tirade? He's certainly oppressing the people of this country and Iraq. I think the Secret Service gestapo should arrest this vile little pro-life bitch for suggesting that.

But, wait, suggesting the offing of people is a Repugnican tradition. Look at Ann Coulter's comments about the Supremes and look at Pat Robertson's comments about Hugo Chavez. I guess suggesting that someone is offed is just another way of being pro-life?

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