Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Singing the National Anthem in Vietnamese

Dear Dumbya

I need you to send the political correctness police and the National Spook Agency and the Department of Homeland Surveilance over to the intersection of Roosevelt Blvd, and Wilson Blvd right NOW!! This is a matter of the utmost national security, Dumbya. We need the gestapo over on this side of town and we need them fast.

No, there is no bank being robbed. No there is not a car accident at that intersection. No, there is nobody smoking pot in the shade of a store. No, there ae no Russian agents receiving state secrets from a disgruntled Pentagon official (although I wish there were).

Nope, Dumbya, nothing that minor is going on. What IS happening.....are you sitting down?? ....What is happening is that a group of Vietnamese people at the "Little Vietnam Shopping Center" are playing the Star Spangled Banner and they are singing the words in VIETNAMESE!!! Blasphmey if I've ever heard it. These people need their fingernails pulled out.

It doesn't matter that they are all citizens of the United States. It doesn't matter that they pay taxes like the rest of us. It doesn't matter that many of these people are business owners who employee "regular looking" 'merikan citizens. Nope, none of that makes a rat's ass bit of difference. What matters, and you know this being the tough guy that you are, is that the US Congress passed legislation last summer making English the official language of the United States and these slant-eyed little yellow bastards are singing a patriotic American song in something other than English!

Off with their heads Dunbya. The rotten little commie bastards. They may think they are patriotic singing an American patriotic song in the only language they know, but you and the neocon whack jobs know better.

I'll keep an eye on them until the Thought Police get here ...ok?? I can hear one of them talking on a microphone right now. It has to be some sort of terrorist plot wouldn't you think?? Must be because its not in English and this is an English only country.

By the way, have you fiscal wizards considered how much it will cost to change all of the road signs along the US-Quebec border into English only?? Have you figured out yet how many accidents will be caused when French-only speakers come to "our" side of the border wall and cant understand the road signs and crash into real 'Mericans?? Have you guys figured out how much it will cost to change all the road signs along the US - Mexico border into English only?? What about in South Florida?? Is Jeb getting donations from the leaders of the biggest corporations that contribute to him so he can change all the signs??

And what about law enforcement. Do we have enough jails to hold all of the people, like my neighbors over here at the mall, who dare to speak their native tongue in our God-fearing English only nation??? What about on college campuses. Will we now be banned from having any language other than English taught on a university campus???

Wait Dumbya....I hear sirens off to the south.. It must be the thought police showing up even before I hit send.....Oh, thats right....the National Spook Agency can read what I'm typing even before I send it. Silly me.

Thanks for sending the thought police over here to brutalize these commie bastards singing "our" patriotic song in their patriotic voices. You're a true 'merican Dumbya.

Now go Cheney yourself.

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