Friday, December 29, 2006

Email to Senator Joe Loserman

Just sent the following to Joe Loserman through his online contact site. All you have to do is tell the form that your address is his office address in Hartford and your mail goes through.

Dear Senator Loserman

This article reprinted from the WAshignton Post brings up an interesting conundruum.

You say in your article that we need 20,000 more troops in Iraqnam to bring on "victory". However president Bush is unable to define victory, so how can we have something that doesn't exist?

Secondly, how many of your family members are you proposing to have join the military and be shipped over to Iraqnam to be killed for a lie? Whats the noble cause you are willing to sacrifice your family to achieve?

Your fervor about Iraq is all related to your Jewish background. It has nothing to do with common sense or military policy. You are hitching your ride on the tail of a loser president. Fine with me.

As you prepare to approve sending more American kids to their death for a lie in Iraq ask yourself just what has Israel (your real reason for doing this) what has Israel EVER done for the United States other than cost this country billions of dollars in foreign aid annually?

What single thing have we gotten for all the money pissed away and blood shed in the name of a place that has no business existing.

And you want to kill more kids to protect it. Well Joe, Fuck You!

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