Friday, December 22, 2006

The White House Office of "Lessons Learned"

As unbelievable as it may seem, the White House is wasting more than $100,000 a year on an Office of Lessons Learned. Like everything else in the Bush Abomination, the "president" has failed to learn from any lessons, especially those related to the debacle in Iraqnam. Today, out of frustration, I sent this letter to the Director of the Office of Lessons Learned. I doubt anyone there can read, but we can always hope.

Office of "Lessons Learned"
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Office of Lessons Learned

First of all I was shocked and confused when I learned that the "president" had established an office of lessons learned. My shock came primarily from the very real fact that his actions over the last six years show that he has learned absolutely no lessons. Starting with the $300 vote-buying scheme masked as a tax refund, all the way through to his foolish invasion of Iraq under the guise of "smokin out and gettin" terrorists.

You would think that after nearly 3,000 American kids and more than 100,000 Iraqi’s have died because of Bush’s lies, your office would have learned a lesson. But its not. Instead the "president" is now planning to "surge" the number of American kids into the killing fields of Iraq by 30,000 to 50,000. All because the "president" no longer produces testosterone and he thinks this will make him "tough" again.

On November 7, 2006, we the people spoke out at the polls. We elected a Democratic majority in the House and the Senate in large part because we don’t want any more foolish involvement of money or human lives in Iraq. We do not want another American kid to die there for an undefined "noble cause." That, lessons learned, is why you and your party are in the minority. We learned a lesson and we kicked out those who supported the "president" in his failed policy in Iraq.

If we the people could learn a lesson from this, why cant the "president" who has his own GS-14 operated Office of Lessons "Learned"?

Haven’t you or the "president" learned any lessons from the fact that only 12 percent of the American public thinks Bush is doing a good job handling the mess in Iraq ? Still we forge ahead and further destroy the name of the United States in the world’s view.

I hope you lesson learners can sleep easily at night knowing that you are contributing to Bush’s version of the Holocaust. And its all because you cant learn a lesson from your mistakes.

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