Sunday, December 24, 2006

Is "god" Gay?

Dear Dumbya

In the collection of ancient fables that you "christians" call a bible, there is a statement somewhere about how "god" created man in his own image. (If thats true, then, looking at you and Karl Rove for example, then "god" is one ugly son of a bitch). However while pondering that verse in the bible something occurred to me.

If "god" created everything, including man in his image, that means that "god" created homosexuals. And if homosexuals were created in "gods" own image it follows logically, then, that god IS GAY!!!

No wonder George Allen thumped the bible so hard for "god".

I think before you wacko Repugnicans go any further bashing gay people and denying them their legal right to a legal union be it "marriage" or some other term, you need to stop and reflect on this. If you are jerking gays around (dont get too exicted with that statement Dumbya, it was meant to make a point....stop salivating)....then are you all not in danger of massively pissing off "god"? Remember it was Tom DeLay who said at the 2000 Repugnican convention in Philadelphia that "we (Repugnicans) are the party of "god."

Again, Dumbya, you sanctimonious assholes may be in big trouble with your "god" since its obvious from this analysis that "god" is gay. Can we expect to see you stop harassing gay people with legislative and judicial and constituational tools to suppress gods own image?

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