Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Chimp at 28 Percent

More encouraging news indicating that the American public is finally waking up to the disaster living illegally in the White House


The Chimp's approval rating is down to 28 percent. Well within striking range of Nixon's lowest approval rating before he resigned office in disgrace.

Its encouraging to see that the Chimps numbers are in the 20s. With 32 percent of the American public identifying themselves as a Repugnican, this means that his base is eroding nicely. Keep it up. Be a good uniter and unite everyone against you Dumbya. Go for it. Soon not only will Barney and Laura be your sounding board, they will be the only people left who approve of you.

There is one bit of concern that comes from this poll and its results.

I'm concerned that some of these 28 percent have already passed their idiot gene on through the gene pool. This is one area where abstinence should be encouraged and codified in law. Call it the "Stupid Is as Stupid Does Elimination Act of 2007" that requires all known or suspected Repugnicans to refrain from having sex (since they push it on others I"m sure they will climb on this bandwagon immediately). This may be the only plausible way of keeping the idiot gene from moving further into the basic structure of human society.

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