Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Swift Boating of Condi Rice Should Begin This Afternoon

Just a couple weeks ago when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited with the Prime Minister of Syria, the Reichwing jackals (that would be followers of Rush Limbaugh and those who watch Faux Noise Network) went ballistic along with hacks in the Bush Abomination. Among other things, the Republic Party hacks called Nancy Pelosi a "traitor" for talking with the "enemy" about a solution to the horrible mess Bush has created in Iraqnam.

Now today we learn that Condi Rice and her formidible incisors will be meeting with the Foreign Minister of Syria trying to find a way out of the clusterfuck that is Iraqnam.

I wonder when we can expect Faux Noise to boil over on this one?? Will Rush Limbaugh stop buggering little boys long enough to get the facts before he spews his venom? Will Sean Hannity stop salivating over the thought of last night with Jeff Gannon long enough to get the story straight? Will the Swift Boat Veterans for Lies run advertisements in the conservative-biased media denouncing Condi and her beaver-like incisors for this obviously traitorous act?

Funny how when a liberal does something its treason but when a Republic Party hack does the same thing its ok. Only 629 more days of the Bush Abomination left before he's thrown out of town to face war crimes trials in Den Hague. I can hardly wait. If only our Constitution can last that long.

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