Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bush: History to Prove Iraqnam Debacle "Worth It"

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - President Bush wants a nation running short on patience with the Iraq war to take a long view, comparing it to U.S. involvements in Asia that lost popular backing but eventually proved their worth and led to lasting peace.

"The ideals and interests that led America to help the Japanese turn defeat into democracy are the same that lead us to remain engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq," Bush said in advance excerpts of a Wednesday speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Wow! This sick bastard is more delusional than we ever thought possible. Simply astounding. Black is white. Up is down. Good is bad. And we will all view Bush as a wizard of geopolitics. I'm surprised the VFW didn't throw the lying bastard out of their convention.

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