Monday, August 13, 2007

Electorate Polling Heavily Democratic

In a new strategy memo, Stan Greenberg looks at four months of polling data and sees "big changes that have an enduring quality" that will shape the 2008 presidential race.

Key takeaways:

The "opinion elite" in the country -- those with a college education and earning more than $75,000 -- support a Democratic presidential candidate by an 11 point margin.

Independents have defected from Republican candidates and now support a Democrat for president by 19 points.

Young voters are breaking to Democrats with landslide margins.

Married women -- a key swing vote -- are breaking marginally for the Democrats this year after swinging strongly for the Republicans in 2004.

Unmarried women -- a key bloc of "base" voters for Democrats -- pick the Democratic candidate by two to one margin

But just watch. I have every confidence in my party to blow these gargantuan leads by being afraid to not stand up to Bush out of fear of being labeled soft on terrorism. Just watch. The public is screaming for relief from the Busheviks but the Democrats will continue to cower.

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