Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Email to Congressman Todd Akin, Repugnican-MO

This was sent to the esteemed Congressman from eastern Missouri through his office's online contact site. Click on the post title to see the story that generated this letter.

Dear Congressman Dickwad.

This story about your statements yesterday on the floor of the House, invoking the "Crockett Defense" shows once again what an utter fool you are. Davy Crockett had access to a blackberry in the early 1830's? He must have gotten it from the technologically superior French perhaps?

And why would congress be calling someone 13 years before Texas became a part of the United States?

Its bad enough that the Repugnicans think they are morally superior to everyone. What makes it worse is when you morons are so factually incorrect all the time.

Thank Allah that the 2008 election is less than 2 years away so we can turn more of you ignorant fuckers out to pasture, and finally (legally) install Al Gore as president. Have a nice day congressman.

Were you a history major at Jerry Falwell's "Liberty" college perhaps?


Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Happy V-Day!

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Happy V-Day!