Saturday, February 10, 2007

Now We Have ANOTHER Purpose in Iraqnam!!

This is interesting stuff!!! Now our purpose is to help the Iraqi's "gain the time they need to save their country". I thought we were looking for weapons of mass deception?

(click on the post title to go to the news story)

Rather than pissing away billions of dollars monthly to help Iraq gain the time it needs to save their country, lets spend those billions HERE to save our country from Bush and the neocon menace.

I would truly love to see the military rise up and overthrow that arrogant little cocksucker living illegally in the White House. Hell, I would even drive one of the tanks that stormed the White House lawn. Just need to learn to drive one. But I'd do it.

I'd also like to see us using billions of dollars each month to wipe Israel from the face of the Middle East. Damn. If you want to bring stability to Mesopotamia, start by getting rid of the bur under everyone's saddle there. Think of how much we would save over the long run in foreign aid payments if we helped eliminate Israel today? The mind fairly boggles.

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