Friday, February 16, 2007

Email to a Florida Congresswoman Ginny Waite About Iraqnam

Dear Ginny.

For someone elected to Congress you certainly are out of touch with reality, Ginny. This story of your pitiful testimony yesterday from the floor of the House points out just how far removed from reality you actually are. (click on the post title to view the article).

Its quite alright, apparently, for you to sit there and demand that soldiers stay in the meat grinder of Iraqnam and "git er done" (where in HELL did you learn english? From the same school Bush attended?) but consider this. Would you be so gung ho on gittin er done if you had children in Iraqnam? Would it be such a hot idea then Ginny?

Which brings up another point, Ginny. Why DONT you have children in Iraqnam? I notice that those who still support the failed Bush policy of oppression in Iraqnam do not have ANY kids in harms way. If Iraqnam is so important why dont you demand that your children and the children of every other Repugnican supporter of this failure enlist and be sent to Iraqnam until they git er done.

Maybe it wouldn't be such an important deal then, huh Ginny?

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