Have some extra cash? Feel like going to heaven? Then you might consider sending Ted Haggard and his family some monthly checks for the next two years while they move into a halfway house and get psychology and counseling degrees from the University of Phoenix.I wonder when Teddy Boy is going to start his own chapter of Buttfuckers for Jesus?
If you haven't had enough of the Haggard/New Life Church saga, this week KRDO Channel 13 in Colorado Springs aired a story about a letter that Haggard sent to consumer reporter Tak Landrock, letting him know of the Haggard family plans to move into the Phoenix Dream Center to minister to ex-cons, recovering alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, and "other broken people," Haggard writes. "I identify."
Its simply amazing how when a Repugnican swine gets caught doing exactly what they vilify the rest of us for doing they go on about their business as if nothing happened. However when a Democrat gets a blow job its a national scandal.
As always, you’re right on the money! I’m tired and hope the rest of the country is getting tired of all these hypocrites! Keep up the great work!
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