Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hillary Calls Dick Cheney "Darth Cheney"

Is this priceless or WHAT??

Maybe there is hope for Hillary yet. I won't hold my breath but its possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And all this time I thought Cheney was an old, bald guy with a scary monotone voice who has a failing heart and a blood clot in his leg. A guy who eats too much red meat, can't dance and likes to eat the heads of bats on Saturday nights just for kicks. But y'know, Cheney really IS like Darth Vader!

Case in point: Most humans would be unable to withstand the cold, oxygen-free environment of outer space. Fortunately, Cheney quit breathing years ago and his cold-blooded vascular system only requires two heartbeats per year.

Darth Vader may have his followers, but just one wrong step and Cheney'll call in his OWN storm troopers. Only his don't wear white jump suits and wield ray guns. They wear red, white and blue and have nuclear bombs. These colors don't run!

While Vader has the Force, Cheney has mastered the art of the evil death stare. Just ask any unlucky reporter who goes too far in asking about his lesbian daughter.

As for Vader's lightsaber, it's no match for Cheney's shotgun. Plus, Vader killed his generals who failed. Remember the names Shinseki and Abizaid?

However, a glaring DIFFERENCE between Cheney and Vader is this: in the end, Vader came back to the good side. Well it certainly doesn't look like Cheney is on THAT path.