Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mitt Romney - Mormon Wingnut

Check out this article showing what a waste of protoplasm Mitt Romney really is.

Here are a couple of the better quotes:

Of course, some of our kids are enemies themselves; one audience member picked by Romney's staff ofbreasty volunteer chicks to "Ask Mitt Anything" is a middle-aged white woman with a fine command of Rovian code words. Explaining that she is a teacher who works in a "socioeconomically low" area, she complains that her students are not motivated to get better test scores because, they tell her, "We don't have to work -- we'll get a check just like my mama does." Romney delivers a heartfelt solution to the lazy-Negro problem, saying you can predict which black kids will fail in school by seeing which ones have two parents come to parent-teacher night.

Romney is easy to make fun of, but he knows his business; in a world where bullshit rules the day, he does bullshit better than anyone.

Another man at the event who appears to be mentally disturbed says he likes Romney because the candidate's slogan, "True Strength for America's Future," communicates to him that "the Space Center makes the United States a superpower."

And to think this dreg wants to be the "president?" Well, hell, consider the thing currently sitting in the White House. Can Romney be any worse or mentally incapacitated?

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