Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bush Sending 4400 More Kids to Be Killed for His Lies

click on the post title for the story.

Well Dumbya, you have done it again.

Today its reported from Uruguay (which you can't even pronounce) that you are sending 4,400 more kids to their death in Iraqnam for no earthly purpose other than to mollify your severely damaged ego.

I seem to recall, as does most of the intelligent portion of the American population that when you lied to us about the surge you needed only 21,000 more kids. This was despite recommendations from the few who supported your surge that you needed alot more.

"No" said the Dubster. After all, you skipped out on your National Guard duty to try screwing Tricia Nixon. Who better than a National Guard deserter to determine how many kids need to be put in harms way for your lies.

So, you started sending 21,000 more kids. And now you are sending 4,400 more. For what earthly purpose?

You were probably too busy hitting on 16 year olds and snorting blow during the Viet Nam days to remember what happened when LBJ started his escalaton in Viet Nam. More kids got killed. More money was spent, and America's loss to the Viet Cong was just that much more spectacular. have never once defined the "noble cause" you told us about in Iraqnam. In fact after Cindy Sheehan shoved that phrase down your throat you have stopped using it. Why dont we hear about the noble cause any more?? What happened to it? But assuming if there is a noble cause other than profits for Haliburton and Exxon/Mobil, why dont you send your daughters to Iraqnam to fight? If its so noble, and you're such a tough son of a bitch, then why not send your noble kids to this noble cause? Give Jenna a break from swallowing Argentinian semen and send her over to the Middle East. If its such a noble cause, send Douglas Feiths kids, and Paul Wolfowitz' kids, and any of Cheney's family that isnt as porcine and infirm as him. Why not send Karl Rove and every war supporter in the Repugnican Party. Ship them out of Andrews on Monday afternoon. Put Karls fat ass on a C5 and send him with great nobleness to fight in your noble cause.

Come to think of it, Dumbya, if its such a noble cause to send these 4400 more American kids to Iraqnam for no reason, why dont you send your own miserable ass over there?? Leave your canned picture of you slicing turkey at home, pick up one of the 6 shooters you pseudo Texans like to swirl around on your finger and get your ass headed east.

Remember how at the conclusion of the failed war in Viet Nam the once glorious American army was plucked from the roof of the embassy before it was over run. The same thing is coming in Iraqnam only there it will be American kids plucked from an oil rig.

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