Sunday, March 25, 2007

Cheney Says House Dems Dont Support Troops

Dear Dick

You know, Dick, that is such a perfect name for you. Dick. Sums it all up doesn't it, Dick? (click on the post title for the story)

You porcine cocksucker. You haven't said a truthful thing since taking office in 2001...why should anyone believe this drivel now? Have you ever considered that bringing troops home alive from Iraq is showing the utmost support for them? Thats a lot more supportive than letting them sleep in their own urine like YOUR administration has done at Walter Reed.

Seems to me that during the Vietnam war you didn't support the troops either. In fact you found FIVE different reasons to get FIVE deferrments from having to go to Nam. Was that supporting the troops?

If you want to support the troops you fat assed fuck, why not pick up a gun, hop on a C-5 leaving Andrews and go shoot some Iraqi's instead of Texas lawyers?? Or better yet, if you really want to support the troops have your daughters both sign up and go to Iraqnam. That will show us how much the Cheney family supports that troops.

These are all viable options Dick. Pick one or shut the fuck up. Nobody and I mean NOBODY believes your persistent lies any longer Dick. Nobody.

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