Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why David Iglesias Was Fired

(click on the post title for the article).

It will now become almost comical watching the Reich wing nuts go ballistic on a fellow member of the Republic Party. Will they develop a Swift Boat Veterans for Lies group to thrash this person for speaking the truth about the Reich? My guess is yes. By the end of the day they will have lies about there about how Iglesias is actually a liberal as were the seven other US Attorney's who were fired. That will soon become the rallying cry of these sick bastards - eight "liberals" sneaked in under cover of darkness and joined their ranks so they had to fire them.

Its my solemn hope that these eight fired US Attorney's come over to our side by the 2008 election. Remember that more than 59,000,000 foolish people voted for Bush in 2004. We will convert them one at a time if needed. Here are eight just waiting to be shown the light. I think the bulb is burning brightly in a couple of them already.

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