Monday, March 26, 2007

A Racist, Homophobic Tirade from the US Army

(this is a copy of an email I sent to both Virginia senators today in response to an email by a racist, homophobic US Army recruiter named Marsha Ramode. Click on the post title to see her email).

Dear Senator Webb

I am enclosing an email I just sent to Marsha Ramode, a United States Army recruiter. The email contains a link to a racist, homophobic, tirade Ms Ramode sent to someone using a US Government email system.

Because you sit on the Armed Services Committee I thought you would want to see this misuse of government equipment (at a minimum). I'm sending this same message to Senator Warner also. Please have someone do something about this?

Dear Marcia.

Is this what "compassionate conservatism" looks like in the military these days?

Like you I am employed by the US Government (I am home on sick leave today). If I EVER used rambling homophobic terroristic language like yours in an email to ANYONE, even to a sea slug, and sent it out on my government email address I'd be fired before tomorrow morning.

When can we expect your resignation?

By the way, I'm sending your email showing your email address too my senators, Jim Webb and John Warner, both of whom sit on the Senate Armed Services Committee. I'm also copying this email to the White House. I'll be anxious to see how they react to your prejudice using a government email account.

Thank you.

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