Saturday, November 17, 2007

Restoring Basic Services in Iraqnam

Washington - It is the Cadillac of electrical plants, new and sophisticated and reflected in the pride of the local security guards hired to protect it. When it's turned on, providing enough power to run roughly the equivalent of 400,000 Iraqi homes, the Musayyib gas power plant will provide a large boost in the US military's campaign to restore basic services to Baghdad and, it hopes, quell the insurgency there.

But in Iraq, it seems, nothing is simple. Lack of fuel and parts, and poor Iraqi governance, have kept the Musayyib plant's 10 jet-engine-sized turbines off-line. It is emblematic of the large challenges facing the military's most important noncombat counterinsurgency tool: the provision of clean water, working sewage systems, and electric power to a population hungry for them
Isn't this ironic? The Bush Administration used the nation's military to illegally invade and occupy Iraqnam in 2003. The lie told then was to rid the country of weapons of mass deception. When that lie failed the story changed to getting rid of Saddam, and then to bring democracy to the country, and then to defeat al-Qaeda, and get the picture.

Now nearly 5 years after the illegal invasion and occupation Iraqi's, the people who were going to be greeting us as liberators, have worse public infrastructure than they did under Saddam. This is in spite of the stories that Fox Opinion Network shoves down peoples throats about how well things are going in Iraqnam. People dont have basic needs met. Insufficient electricity. Sporadic (let alone clean) drinking water. A hammered infrastructure. Substandard medical care.

And it was all brought to them by the Bush Administration whose main goals are to 1) line the pockets of the contractors working in Iraqnam, and 2) to line the pockets of Bush's few friends in the oil industry.

This son of a bitch deserves to be tried and convicted of crimes against humanity. And it can't happen soon enough. Unfortunately alot of the same Iraqi's we were allegedly supposed to help with be hosed before it happens.

Wake up sheeple.

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