Saturday, November 24, 2007

Richard Perle - Iraqnam Architect - Continues to Deny Reality

This disgusting waste of protoplasm should put on a uniform and catch a C-5 transport from Andrews AFB this afternoon. Actually given his support for the illegal invasion I'm surprised Perle wasn't the first man off the plane when the invasion began.

Before the war, Perle advocated simply bombing and leaving Iraq. “We do not have to go into Baghdad,” he said in Oct. 2002 on NBC. “We do not have to engage in door-to-door, street-to-street fighting.”

But once the war began, Perle specifically endorsed the Paul Bremer-led occupation of Iraq. And repeatedly claimed it was producing good results. Appearing on Fox News on April 7, 2004, Perle said, “We’re making so much progress with most Iraqis that those who feel threatened by the progress are more devoted and more energetic than ever to try to destroy the progress we’re making.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did Iraq back fire on Perle? Hell no. He gets to blame everyone else (Rummy and Bremer) for his OIL RICHES. He already made his fortune. This asshole made a lot of people (including himself) very rich and he's willing to take the heat for the even bigger prize...more power - more greed - more money.