Monday, September 3, 2007

Chimpy Makes "Surprise" Visit to Iraqnam

Once again, with the Chimp's poll numbers almost as low as Darth Cheney's, he burns up $65,000 an hour to fly his carcass to Iraqnam for a photo op with some poor souls in danger of being wiped out in response to his failed policies there.

The headline on this story "Bush Makes War Assessment" is hilarious in its transparency. Bush made his war assessment long before he left on this latest failed trip to bolster his ego. This is the fool who in 2004 said that he had not made one mistake in his first termn. Who in their right mind would think that by now with nearly 4,000 American kids killed for his lies, Bush would make an assessment of his little war that was anything but rosy?

Yesterday afternoon I was watching CNN in the Grand Bahama International Airport departure lounge. Much of the coverage was about Bush and his latest chest pounding. I was encouraged to see people listen to him for a minute and then turn away, almost always laughing or shaking their heads or both.

Bush chickened out on going to Vietnam and now makes kids in Iraqnam his props for the latest show of pictures to make him seem like a continuing tough son of a bitch. Only 505 more days of this fool and then, hopefully, its off to the Hague for his war crime trial.

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