Friday, July 27, 2007

The 50 State Strategy and Purple America

Here is an invigorating story from The Nation about how Howard Dean's 50 State Strategy is working to convert red states to purple.

This paragraph from a crimson red corner of North Carolina is indicative:

But in a scene playing out this year all across "red America," from these lush hills to the craggy outcroppings of the Mountain West, previously unfathomable crowds of Democrats are streaming up the steps of the old county courthouse, past bobbing blue balloons and Welcome Democrats! signs. They're hopping mad about the national state of things but simultaneously giddy with a new-found hope--finally!--for their party.

As we get closer and closer to the 2008 election of Al Gore the success of Howard Dean's 50 state strategy (or strategery as that idiot in the White House would say) will become more and more evident. Its one of my biggest fantasies that the next Congress convenes with a 435-0 Democratic majority in the House, and 70-30 in the Senate. And, of course, Al Gore in the White House.

I hope stories like this one in The Nation make turn coats like Joe Lieberman and James Carvelle squirm. Of course they would need a conscience in order to have that happen. Oh well, it was a nice thought.

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