Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Its Time to Boycott Faux News Advertisers

On July 17, 2007, Faux News host Bill O'Reilly began a hate campaign against the largest Democratic web site, Over the following week, O'Reilly repeatedly and consistently lied about about the site and launched a boycott campaign against JetBlue, a sponsor of the YearlyKos conference. Of course, O'Reilly really does encourage and condone hate speech on his web site.

As Democrats and progressives, it's time to stand up to Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and the rest of Rupert Murdoch's right-wing propagandists. If Bill O'Reilly can promote advertiser boycotts, so can we.

The good people at News Hounds are keeping a list of O'Reilly Factor advertisers here:

Its time to stop frequenting any company that puts money into advertising hate speech like that on Faux News or Rush or Mann Coulter or Michael Savage or any of the others. Don Imus was removed from the air because of hate speech. Why not the rest of these jackals?

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