Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Democracy Corps and James Carvelle

Dear Democracy Corps

I read the interesting news about a Democracy Corps analysis showing that Democrats stand to kick some serious ass in the 2008 election. I was excited about that information until I saw that you have James Carvelle as one of your honchos.

After his disgraceful attack on Howard Dean after the massive 2006 election who in their right mind wants to listen to that cajun asshole? He is all about Jim and he's all about the Clintons. Remember it was James Carvelle who, along with his repuslive wife Mary, held a fund raiser in his home to support the legal defense fund for Scooter Libby.

If you want Democrats and Progressives to take Democracy Corps seriously, jettison that repulsive piece of flesh from Louisiana. And since Paul Begala is a Clintonite, kick his ass out also. Maybe then someone will take you seriously.

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