Friday, July 27, 2007

Bush Abomination Issues Subpoena for Michael Moore

Last night on the Jay Leno Show, Michael Moore announced that he had received, that day, a subpoena from the Bush Abomination in regard to its investigation of his trip to Cuba while filming the hit documentary "Sicko"

Thinking it is tough and invincible the loyal Bushies decided to go after Michael thinking they will make an example of him. They just never learn do they?

In response to the subpoena I sent Michael the following email. You can contact him also by writing to

Dear Michael

I have a suggestion for you now that the Bush Abomination has seen fit to subpoena you for your trip to Cuba while filiming Sicko.

Follow the lead of the Bush Abomination and don't show up. Tell them you are using the Harriet Miers doctrine and you dont want to testify. Remind the Bushies that if its good enough for their privileged asses, then its good enough for the rest of us.

If you get the chance, dont forget to tell them to "Go Cheney yourselves" also. Give back to the bastards exactly what they dish out. If there is anyone out there with the testicular fortitude to do this, its you.

Craig Faanes

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