Friday, July 27, 2007

Email to JetBlue Airlines

Dear JetBlue

Last week, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly attacked Jetblue for working with “the radical left” by sponsoring the upcoming YearlyKos convention, eventually forcing the company to remove its banner from the convention’s website. Yesterday, Public Citizen’s revealed that JetBlue founder David Neeleman is a bundler for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. He also sits on Romney’s Connecticut statewide finance committee.

I've flown you in the past and enjoyed the service. Now that you have caved to a hate speech monger like Bill O'Lielly AND your CEO is in bed with a Repugnican wing nut there is no way in hell I'll sit on your planes ever again. Maybe you should do a lot of advertising on Faux "News" Network. They seem to be your sort of people.

Craig Faanes

You can contact JetBlue at

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