Friday, July 13, 2007

3,608 American Kids Have Died for What Noble Cause?

As of this morning, 3,608 American kids have been killed in Iraqnam fighting for the "noble cause" that Bush is incapable of articulating.

If you go to this site, you can see pictures and read the names and home towns of each of the poor souls who have given up their lives fighting for a lie. You will notice that there are none of Bush's relatives on the list, or are there any of Cheney's or are there any of Paul Wolfowitz' or any of the other architects of this disaster.

Once each month I go to this site, copy out all of the names and photos, and email them to Bush. With the email I include a suggestion that he and Karl Rove and Cheney each copy the pictures and paste them up on their White House office walls so they are constantly reminded of the horror they have created. Of course being compassionate conservatives we already know that they are deeply moved by the death and destruction they have created. And pigs can fly also.

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