Sunday, July 1, 2007

US Embassy Employee in Cyprus Missing

Dear Embassy Nicosia.

I saw this story on news this morning and wanted to pass along some suggestions.

First of all Mr Mooney is listed as a "military attache" which we all know is a CIA operative so have you thought to contact the CIA regarding his whereabouts?

If they haven't been in touch with him, have you considered Bush's evil doers doing some evil? Could be. Does this mean that the Bush Administration policy will change now and Cyprus will be added to the axis of "evil?" Will changing that status give Bush another illegal reason to invade a sovereign nation? Wait. Bush wont invade Cyprus because there is no oil there.

Its unfortunate Cyprus is an oil-deficient country. If it had even one functioning oil well Bush would find the wherewithall to invade it and find him.

Wouldn't it be horrible if he had been tortured by some rogue nation (the US being the only rogue nation actively involved in torture). However we really shouldn't be too upset if he has been because the Bush Administration that you work for and promote supports torture of innocent people. So who is the United States to complain if one of our own receives the same treatment we dish out?

Anyway as a loyal 'Merikun citizen I hope Mr. Mooney shows up soon and is ok. If not, you can blame Bush for whatever shoddy treatment he may have received while he was missing. After all, it was the loyal Bushies who determined that the Geneva Convention rules were "quaint." We reap what we sow, don't we?

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