Sunday, July 8, 2007

Much of the US Favors Impeachment

Personally I would prefer that rather than wasting Congress' time on impeaching the disgusting little prick, someone should just fly him to the Hague where they can begin the war crimes trials. However until that glorious day, we have to hope that the House of Representatives grows some testicles (we know that Nancy Pelosi refuses to do so) and begins impeachment proceedings against this disgusting waste of protoplasm.

These data suggest that once the pendulum swings toward impeachment the majority of 'Merikuns will support it. Funny thing, I've supported impeachment since January 20, 2001 when the creep first slithered into the Oval Office. Oh well. Only 560 more days until he slithers back out of the Oval Office. I hope our democracy can withstand that many more days of compassionate conservatism.

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