Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Another Bush Fuck Up Takes Its Toll

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson called Tuesday for an aggressive response to deal with an unfolding housing crisis that he said presents a significant risk to the economy.

In the administration's most detailed reaction to the steepest housing slump in 16 years, Paulson said that government and the financial industry should provide immediate help for homeowners trying to refinance current mortgages before they reset at much higher rates.
While Chimpy has been darting around jousting at windmills containing non-existent weapons of mass destruction, the economy of the United States has continued to slide further and further into a Hooverian abyss. Nobody cares, however, because you can't scare the populace into Repignofascist submission with economic gloom and doom.

When the bust comes in the American economy and we have Hooverian soup lines all over again all but those who watch the Fox Opinion Network will be able to point the finger at the total lack of anything resembling regulation that has been the hallmark of the Bush Abomination as the cause. All Bush has cared about since the beginning of his illegal occupation of the White House has been funneling money into the pockets of his rich and highly greedy compatriots. Fuck regulation.

And while that mentality has been in place, you me and the rest of us who have yet to benefit from a single Bush policy continue to take it in the shorts. The emminent failure of the American economy is but another example of how that will happen.

Wake up, sheeple.

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