Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wide Stance Larry Now Claims Entrapment

Senator Larry "Wide Stance" Craig, Repignofascist of Idaho, today claimed that he was entrapped by police officers in the Minneapolis aiport last summer.

That may very well be true, Wide Stance, and I tend to believe you on this angle. However, Wide Stance, if its true you were entrapped and you knew you were entrapped, why did you 1) plead guilty to the sex charge, 2) refuse to tell your wife and family what happened until after this story broke in the media two months after your arrest, and 3) so vigorously deny reality after your conviction? Some things just don't add up, Wide Stance.

As my uncle the supreme bullshitter once said, "you can't bullshit a bullshitter" and Larry your bullshit is getting so deep its almost clogging the blood vessels in your brain.

For one, I encourage you to continue this assinine folly of trying to get your conviction overturned. Each day you continue you keep the "family values" wing of the Repignofascist Party in the media spotlight. I'll bet at a time like this you wish the Repignofascists had been successful in getting laws passed allowing only the Fox Opinion Network to broadcast news in this country. Had that been the case we'd still be watered down with stories about Anna Nicole Smith's death, and how well we are doing bringing democracy to Iraqnam.

Too bad, Larry. Keep fighting reality. The more you do the better it is for the Democratic Party. Next to Bush, right now you are the best thing we have going for us.

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