Thursday, October 18, 2007

Welcome to the World of Divorce Britney

LOS ANGELES - Britney Spears can't even visit her children now.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Welcome to divorce world 1983, Britney. Now you get to know how every male who was divorced more than 20 years ago felt at the end of their divorce. They were just a source of money and suddenly they were no longer a parent but they were "visitors." Its interesting how you parent children but you visit prisoners in jail. Now you know how we all feel Britney. Pass the word to your sisters and let them know how damned lucky they were. They didn't get to be made to feel like a pariah by the "justice" system. And, most of us never ran around breaking the law or showing off our crotch for cameras or being massively drunk in public. Most of us were just dad's who were punished by a court system that believed that only mom's could provide "for the best interest of the children."

Thankfully you have enlightened judged in Los Angeles County who can tell that simply because your genetics are the chosen ones in most divorce courts, fathers can and usually are the best interest of the children.

Hope it hurts as much for you as it did for me to be a visitor and no longer a parent, Britney. Hope it hurts really deep.

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