Wednesday, October 24, 2007

1000 Posts

By the count of this is the 1,000th post I have made under the Skewering The Chimp banner since that fateful day in December 2006 when I finally figured out how to make a blog!

Its been an interesting and informative time and from the comments received on my posts, its obvious I have pissed off a lot of Reichwing Nutcases. That, and educating the educable, was my purpose from the time I made my first post.

So, in typical Caribbean fashion, mon, sit back with a bottle of Jamaican cerveza (and some Jamaican gold if you can score some) and reflect back on the last 999 posts. I promise that for as long as that sniveling little Cheney-wipe is in office I will continue to post my feelings about him and what he has done to this formerly great country.

Keep waking up, Sheeple.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Thank you for caring.

Here's to the next 1000!

Anonymous said...

No stopping till the MORON is gone!!