Thursday, October 4, 2007

How Low Can a Slime Mold Go???

WASHINGTON - Public approval for President Bush and Congress has sunk to the lowest levels ever recorded in The Associated Press-Ipsos poll.

Only 31 percent said they approve of the job Bush is doing, according to the survey released on Thursday. His lowest previous approval in the survey was 32 percent — a virtual tie with the new reading — recorded several times, most recently in June.
This is absolutely priceless. No matter what poll is mentioned, the Chimp is at 30-31 percent approval.

Its disheartening that the people of this nation are so stupid that there are still 31 percent of us who approve of this little gutter snipe. However when you realize that about 30 percent of the American public uses the Fox Opinion Network as its primary "news" source, its easy to see why the Chimp has a 30 percent approval rating everywhere.

Wake up, sheeple.

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