Thursday, October 4, 2007

James Dobson Threatens 3rd Party Needs to Run in 2008

REPORTS have surfaced in the press about a meeting that occurred last Saturday in Salt Lake City involving more than 50 pro-family leaders. The purpose of the gathering was to discuss our response if both the Democratic and Republican Parties nominate standard-bearers who are supportive of abortion. Although I was neither the convener nor the moderator of the meeting, I’d like to offer several brief clarifications about its outcome and implications.
So began the soliloquy by self-proclaimed "god-squad" guru James Dobson in his opinion piece in today's New York Times regarding the godless bastards running for the White House in 2008.

What an miserable asswipe you are, Jim. Apparently it doesn't occur to you that having the religious wackos form their 3rd party would dilute the TFM (total fucking moron) vote in 2008, further helping to deliver us from evil. Good Job, Jimmy, you dumb fucker. Rave on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most Christian conservatives are so disenchanted with the Repukes that they probably won't show up at the polls. If Dobson makes good on his threat, he'll only siphon the few remaining diehards away from the GOP nominee. I say, go for it Jimmy! Dumbass.