Friday, June 15, 2007

Holy Joe LIEberman : "If Kristol Says What I'm Doing Is Right, It Must Be Right"

This statement by Holy Joe LIEberman, the Senator from the terrorist state of Israel, demonstrates just how far removed from reality he has become.

William Kristol has not been correct about a single thing related to the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraqnam. Holy Joe’s comment once again proves just how far removed from reality the Senator from the terrorist state of Israel really is. Two days ago in an email to Holy Joe I offered to buy him a one-way ticket, Business Class to Tel Aviv. I’m still waiting and hoping that his office writes back and says that Holy Joe accepts my offer.

Kristol, like LIEberman has never served in the military and has no loved ones in harms way in Iraqnam. Kristol, like LIEberman, is perfectly content to have someone else's kids killed in the Middle East as a way of "protecting" their beloved terrorist state of Israel.

If the terrorist state of Israel is so damned important why aren't LIEberman and Kristol pulling up stakes and moving there? I hear the mind fields along the border between Eilat and Aqaba, Jordan need some tending to and people with hot air are the most effective in finding the mines. So, its not that they would be out of work once there.

Come on Joe and Bill. Show us what tough bastards you are. Give up your cushy jobs in Washington DC and go put your money where your mouth is in Iraq so you can "save" your precious terrorist state of Israel. Please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even LIEberman's own "Party" wants the whiny S.O.B. gone!

Connecticut for Lieberman Party Chairman John Orman called Tuesday for Senator Joe Lieberman to resign, saying his advocacy of a military strike against Iran could explode into a global conflict.
"He has crossed the line," said Orman, a professor of politics at Fairfield University. "His unilateral warmongering could lead to a new World War III."