Thursday, June 21, 2007

Writing Congress About the Endless War

I just wrote to my Senators and my Congressman regarding the endless stupidity of the war in Iraqnam that they keep allowing to continue. My letter to them is reprinted here. Get off your asses and do the same thing with the members who represent you. Each of them is an accomplice in allowing the murder of American kids to continue because the Congress won't stop giving Bush money for his folly. Write them and then get ready to hit the streets. This shit has got to stop

Dear Senator/Congressman

The news on this morning about 14 more American kids dying for no earthly reason in Iraq in the last 48 hours has me almost apoplectic.

Rather than write you a specific letter I'm providing you with a link to a comment I just put on my blog. Please have one of your aides read this

Last fall we the people elected a Democratic majority in the House and the Senate (if you believe that Joe Lieberman is a Democrat that is). We elected that majority because the candidates of my party said you would end the war in Iraq. Instead you have most recently given Bush carte blanche through the end of September. When are you going to grow a spine and stand up to a "president" with a 28 percent approval rating and say NO MORE???

How many more kids are going to have to die for Bush's war for oil before you stand up and demand that this foolishness stop? How many more trips will it take to Arlington Cemetery so a 20 year old kid from Coon Hollow Virginia has to be buried on that hallowed ground because he lost his life for no purpose? How much longer will you allow your love of your political party to overshadow your conscience before you demand an end?

What does it take? The handwriting is on the wall. We have LOST Iraq. Bush's folly has cost more than $400 billion so far and cost nearly 3,550 American kids their lives. And what on earth have we gotten for their sacrifice. Not a damned thing.

How much longer will you allow this to continue?

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