Friday, June 8, 2007

George Bush - Miserable Failure

The Chimp's Legacy

The Hunt for Osama free = Failure.
The hunt for Mullah Omar.
The hunt for WMD’s.
Social Security reform.
Harriet Miers nomination.
Healthcare reform.
Iraqi civil war.
Stage II of Pre-war intelligence.
Katrina rebuilding.
Restoring integrity to the office.
Reducing the debt.
Ports deal.
Susan Ralston.
Philip A. Cooney, the chief of staff to President Bush’s Council on Environmental Quality.
Grand Moff Baker.
David Safavian.
Scooter Libby.
Claude A. Allen.
Tom Delay’s money laundering trial.
Ney Conviction.
Cunningham Conviction.
State of Denial.
Missing 8 billion Iraq funds.
Extended tours for military.
Record bankruptcies.
1.3 TRILLION tax give away while waging two wars.
Increasing National debt to 8.5 TRILLION.
The UN’s irrelevancy.
Yellowcake uranium from Niger .
Tax cuts for the ultra wealthy.
Skyrocketing energy prices.
Stagnant wages.
Iraq Clusterfuck.
Taliban resurgence.
Guest visa give-away.
N. Korea with Nukes on Bush watch.
$20 barrel for oil when Chimpy came to office.
Iran dominance?

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