Thursday, June 7, 2007

Iraqnam Bomb Death Toll at 20

(click on the post title for the story)
How can this be??

I specifically heard Laura (Dont Charge Me With Manslaughter) Bush on the Larry King Live show a month or so ago talking about how “one bomb a day” goes off in Iraq and thats all the conservative-biased media (my phrase not hers) focuses on. Laura was upset that we only hear about the bad news from that pesky “one bomb a day.”

Now we learn that “Bombs exploded today” outside a falafel restaurant (too bad Bill O’Lielly wasn’t there at the time) in Baghdad. So, does this mean that Laura lied to us about there being only “one bomb a day” or is this another example of the mainstream media’s unwillingness to paint a rosy scenario for the sheeple about what’s really happening in Iraqnam?

I remain confused.

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