Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Military Injustice - Bush Administration Style

(click on the post title for more information)
Military justice proves to be an oxymoron in Kansas City. Help Adam now. Please visit Sgt. Kokesh's blog and support him (link in the post title)

His discharge date from the Individual Ready Reserve is June 18 and a Marine General is to rule on the board's recommendation by then. The board recommended Adam Kokesh receive a general discharge under honorable conditions. To hear Kokesh tell it, it's a middle ground decision he wants no part of.

There are several hellacious ironies in this case. First and foremost, Bush runs around thumping his chest talking about how we're bringing "democracy" to the Middle East through his illegal invasion of Iraq for oil. Chimpy tells us how the turists hate us for our "freedom" yet when one of the poor individuals who was sent to Iraqnam to potentially be killed for Bush's bluster exercises his right to freedom of speech and speaks out against the foolishness of Bush's intervention he is threatened with a less than honorable discharge from the military.

Then there is the issue of Sgt Kokesh having worn his Marine uniform while speaking out against Bush's illegal war at the People's March on the White House on March 17. According to Marine rules, he's not supposed to wear his uniform in an unauthorized manner (I remember listening to him talking to the assembled masses of Wisconsinites close to the stage before we started our march across Memorial Bridge). Technically he's broken the rules.

However is that ANY different than Chimpy McAWOL who masquerades as Kokesh's Commander in Chief going AWOL from the National Guard just because he got tired of going to drills and wanted to avoid taking drug tests? Which is a bigger rule breaker? Going AWOL or wearing your uniform on a day it wasn't suppoed to be worn?

And if you want to talk about breaking rules, what about the Commander in Cocaine having been cited for DUI on at least four different times, but Chimpy never went to jail or even went to court. Whats worse? DUI or wearing your uniform on a day when its not supposed to be worn?

And what about Laura Bush getting in a car accident in Texas where someone was killed. Laura committed manslaughter, yet she never was arrested, went to court, or spent time in jail. Which is worse? Manslaughter or wearing your uniform when its not supposed to be worn?

The tough guys in the Pentagon and in the Bush Administration who never served a second in the military along with pigs like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage (both of whom never served in the miliary) will call for Kokesh's head to make an example of him. The person who needs to be made an example of is sitting in Europe right now as he contributes to his successful efforts to piss off the world at the United States.

Who is a bigger criminal? Adam Kokesh or George Bush? I think the answer is obvious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And for some bizarre reason Mr. Cocaine McAwol was given the power to control this mans's life in the military.

Adam is appealing.