Monday, June 4, 2007

Robberies Surge on Violent Crime Survey

(click on the post title for the story)
Well Bush finally has a surge that works. Robberies in the United States are surging. For the second year in a row!!

These two sentences are most instructive:

The nation's murder rate rose slightly last year but the number of robberies skyrocketed by 6 percent, preliminary FBI data released Monday show.
The statistics were part of an overall 1.3 percent rise in violent crime across the country in 2006 — the second straight annual increase.

Heckuva job, Dubya!

Under Bill Clinton, the nation had the lowest crime rate in decades

Under George W Bush the crime rate in America has sky-rocketed

But of course Clinton was a bastard because he lied about a couple blowjobs. Bush, on the other hand, is almost a saint because he's a "Christian" and he's fighting turists there so we don't have to fight them here.

The one thing this new story doesn't discuss is what effect all of the scandals in the Bush Administration have had on the crime rate in the United States. They are perhaps left out of the crime statistics. We wouldn't want Chimpy's own data to show how imperfect he really is....or would we??

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